About Him

As a Diabetic Educator and Counselor, Nadeem Noor holds the Diabetes Q&A Sessions on Materia Medica on every Wednesday. As a Therapist and Counselor with over 14 years of experience, I can help you identify and learn what is Addiction and Alcoholism. What is Recovery and Sobriety, the role of behaviours and habits in the journey of recovery and rehabilitation, what needs to be done to change the behaviours to aid recovery from addiction and alcoholism, compulsive gambling, hoarding, financial mismanagement, bipolar disorder infidelity and other behaviours in excess. Main areas of work include intervention training to the family members of addicts/ alcoholics, pre-admission counselling (leading to indoor rehabilitation), crisis intervention (in cases where the patient is adamant and some crisis is bound to happen), counseling and coaching of the patients and their family members in a group and individual settings. This encompasses the journey of treatment right from the point when a family comes into contact to admission, outdoor and even beyond. In addition, the special focus area is change management and helping patients go through a transition in as much ease as possible. All through is achieved with a focus on solution orientation. Special interests 1. Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation. 2. Addiction Counseling. 3. Alcoholism Treatment and Counseling. 4. Infidelity Counseling and management. 5. Compulsive gambling recovery. 6. Bipolar Disorder Treatment and Counseling. 7. Crisis intervention in addiction, bipolar disease and other psychiatric disorders. 8. Intervention in alcoholism, addiction, bipolar and co-occurring disorders.