Diabetes Awareness Program

Diabetes education

This is a complete program about modern and scientific information regarding diabetes. Diabetes Education is the most exciting offer given by Miracles in our session hall through multimedia presentations. We conduct one to one sessions and group sessions for patients and their families. In which we discuss different topics with the patients in easy to understand way so that they become fully aware of how to manage diabetes. The topics discussed are Introduction to diabetes, diet management, exercise, Monitoring of blood sugar, medicines, Insulin, its types, Injection techniques, Stress management, Preventive care, and Hypoglycemia.


Diagnosis of diabetes

Our well-trained diabetes educators provide all the useful knowledge to the patient, required by him, after the consultation with the doctor. Diagnosis of diabetes is like a blow It affects physical as well as emotional health. Negative thoughts associated with diabetes transform from denial to sorrow, anger, rebellion, grief, and the patient simply give in. In such circumstances, diabetes education and counseling become necessary to provide emotional stability to the patient. From diagnosis to optimal control, our competent counselors, very skillfully wear off all negative psychological effects and help patients to go successfully through all emotional phases of this chronic disease. They are empowered to deal with negative thoughts, tension, and anxiety and are also taught to get support from the family.


Miracles believe that diabetes management is another name of life management. Daily life stress coping methods, anger management, depression counseling, and productive relationship management is an integral part of our counseling services, which lead to hope and happiness.